November 1st
Non Student Contact Day- No School

November 6th
5th Grade Concert at Everitt 5:30

November 8th 
Crew Assembly 8:30

November 12th
Start Round 1 Clubs

November 12th
PTA 4:30

November 19th
Picture Retakes

November 21st
Hearing and Vision Screening

November 25th-29th
Thanksgiving Break- No School




  The "Peakly"
Monthly News & Photo Journal


Peak Families, We had an AMAZING Halloween celebration yesterday with our school wide parade, Eeeek at Peak fun run, annual Haunted Hallway (Dragon themed), and classroom parties! BIG THANKS to everyone in our school community who helped make this happen for our kids. I believe they had one of the best days of their school year because of the way we embrace and encourage their imagination during this fun time of year. Over the past month, I have gathered all the essential information and added explanation for some key events in the upcoming months. Knowing how incredibly busy the upcoming holiday season can be, I have the calendar and information for both November and December in this months Peakly. We are a VERY creative and inventive school that is always finding ways to push or vision of Challenging, Meaningful, and Adventurous learning for all students! This means that we need your support and understanding that creating and coordinating the events and expeditions we are leading can at most be posted a month...maybe in this case a month and a half in advance. I also listed the basic return dates in January as a reference for planning. Please take note of the information on December 8th (flex testing) and read the guidance for different grade levels. Click the link below to see our photo journal, calendars, and all the most important information for November & December in the Peakly: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://track.spe.schoolmessenger.com/f/a/IeqQkFIIMerBvVkCH-2nhw**A/AAAAAQA*/RgRnJCggP0RgaHR0cHM6Ly9kb2NzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20vZG9jdW1lbnQvZC8xUVFiNXRvWkg1ZEhJYnZMbDg5SFZ0WWxwc29iUFdTOVN0VHkzS3h1Skw0ay9lZGl0P3VzcD1zaGFyaW5nVwdzY2hvb2xtQgplQaD0QmXHO2abUiNtZWxpc3NhLmJ1c3RhbWFudGVAamVmZmNvLmsxMi5jby51c1gEAAAAAQ**A__;fn5-fn4!!Bj3pJzH8i9PN1EsMi1am!3f98dJNMLctGp-XX59J9xp3ko4g_ASo2d8oRZkOfE4xRrBWpfnbEsMLY0NO2l6jx8-qfE4xln0PxlmDxjD0GTDANv4n44XcQ9dDZjQy2$ Thanks as always for your support of our CREW! Make it a great day! Sincerely, Mr. Tim Carlin Principal of Fun

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